How to Write a Process Essay

How to Write a Process Essay at SolidEssay.comA process essay may be defined as a descriptive piece of information illustrating each and every step guiding the reader to accomplish a particular task. The process essay may be formally called as a ‘process analysis’, which usually involves both a step-by-step progression from the start to the end point of a task (process) as well as a careful examination of the details (analysis).

Process essays can be broadly classified as ‘instructional writing’, which enables the reader to perform a task (e.g.: a recipe, instruction manual, etc.) and ‘process explanation’, which helps the reader understand a particular process (e.g.: starting an induction motor).

Tips on How to Write a Process Essay

Essentials of a process essay

A process essay should be clear in explaining your viewpoints and the importance of the selected topic. Some of the key points that a process essay should elaborate are:

  • Definition of the process which has been selected, including various methods if any;
  • Skills or equipments required;
  • Duration of the process;
  • Steps involved in the process;
  • Outcome of the process;
  • Challenges when performing this process, including the precautionary steps.

Organize your process essay

A process essay should ideally follow a strict chronological order after choosing an appropriate topic such as:

Select a topic and generate ideas ---> Create an outline ---> Introduction, Summary, Conclusion ---> First draft ---> Edit and revise ---> Proofread, QC ---> Submit/Publish.

The process essay should focus on moving forward showing the progress of the process and conclude, briefing out the value of the process.

Basically, organize an essay considering three important criteria: prewriting, writing and revising.

Make the beginning interesting

The introductory paragraph should be made interesting and appealing as it prepares the reader for the topic of the paper. Explaining a situation which has led to this process, general purpose and its importance are certain points that can be considered in enhancing the first paragraph of the process essay.

Enhance your content

An essay can be further enhanced by adapting certain basic steps such as mentioning the time frame for each step, making better and clear representation of the steps, highlighting the action words, establishing a structure, etc.

Do's and Don’ts in writing a process essay

There are some key aspects that have to be considered before proceeding further in writing a process essay:

  • Transition words: a process essay which includes step-wise discussion may be expressed in a much better way with the use of variety of transitional tags. Avoid using frequent usage of words like ‘firstly’, ‘secondly’, and ‘then’.
  • Highlight one or two steps ensuring that all steps are not made equally important / unimportant.
  • Attach a special warning or caution to one of the steps which may enable to bring in a variety of tone and some texture into the essay.
  • Avoid using abbreviations (tsp., oz., etc.)
  • Avoid repetition of steps.
  • Avoid unnecessary shifts in verb tense, voice and mood, and in pronoun person.

Concluding a process essay

The concluding passage may not be necessarily short and simple, but instead, it can include a review of the major aspects of the procedure and summarize the results and significance of the process. It should help in easing out the reader by concluding with a general note on the procedure or process and then finally with a nice, warm and a positive note about the topic.

Following the steps mentioned above will help you write an oustanding process essay. Click ‘Place Order Now’ button below if you need help with writing your process essay. 

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